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Need to calculate maintenance or child support? This powerful calculator makes it fast and easy. While it's a fantastic tool for standard calculations, our calculator can do much more. Discover the powerful features that enable you to quickly see the impact of each input on the decision-making process. We have even included a unique feature that calculates the Net Resources Available (after state and federal taxes) to provide a clearer picture of the true financial impact on both parties.

Scroll down to see some of the features.


- The main input into the calculator is basic information about income. All the typical main sources of income are included in a clean, user-friendly interface.



- For the greatest accuracy the expanded income list enables a deep dive. The one-click expandable list shows all the other sources of income used in the statutory calculation.



- If you want to know where to find information, click the ‘info’ icon to see where to get it. A pop-up window will show exactly where to go.



- All of the statutory deductions from income are included here. To make things easy the calculator includes a one-click estimates of FICA and local taxes.



- The CSSA income is the difference between the Total Income and the Total Deductions and is used to determine maintenance and child support amounts. The calculator empowers you to see how all of the inputs impact this very important value.



- Calculation of the statutory maintenance amount uses the two New York State standard methods. The lower of the two calculations is typically used for maintenance guidance. Each of the calculation pieces is clearly explained along the way.



- The estimated term of any maintenance payments is usually based on the length of the marriage and is typically between the low and high end of the statutory range. We show you that range so that you know what to expect.



- The child support calculation shows all the steps used to determine the resources expected to support the children. We even break down the payment amount based on how often payments are made during the year.



- The final estimated income amounts after maintenance and child support give the user a full understanding of the expected statutory payments. We even calculate the net resources available to the individuals after state and federal taxes are considered to provide a fuller understanding of each of the party’s resources after all payments and taxes.
